Learn to paint with Cristia Maser

Online workshops

In these online workshops that we will do through the "Skype" application you will learn different watercolor techniques to create your compositions, crowns, illustrations, etc. Requirements: The 'Skype' application must be installed on your preferred device. We will also need the basic materials: Watercolor paper, watercolor paints and watercolor brushes along with two bottles of water and kitchen paper. You do not need a brand specific materials and you can use whatever you have on hand. Make sure you have everything ready before the workshop starts and join 10 minutes before the workshop time to solve any technical difficulties before the start of the course.

Taller 1: Acuarela Botánica

38€ / INQUIRY FOR UPCOMING DATES / 10:30 - 13:00h
  • Theory of perception, philosophy of the image, etc.
  • Different techniques for working with watercolors: transparencies, gradients, etc.
  • We'll explore color theory and dive into the details of how you can get the most out of your compositions using theory
  • Finally we will paint a botanical illustration following the tricks and techniques that I usually use to create my illustrations and compositions.
No experience necessary. In any case, I will adapt the practice to each case depending on how I see it.

Taller 2: Flor de abril en acuarela: Dalia

38€ / INQUIRY FOR UPCOMING DATES / 10:30 - 13:00h
  • Theory of perception, philosophy of the image, etc.
  • Técnicas diferentes para trabajar la acuarela: transparencias, gradientes, etc.
  • We will explore color theory and delve into the details of how you can get the most out of your compositions using color theory.
  • Finally we will paint a botanical illustration following the tricks and techniques that I usually use to create my illustrations and compositions.
No experience necessary. In any case I will adapt the practice to each one depending on how I see you.

Taller 3: Elementos del paisaje mediterráneo en acuarela

38€ / INQUIRY FOR UPCOMING DATES / 10:30 - 13:00h
  • Theory of perception, philosophy of the image, etc.
  • Different techniques for working with watercolors: transparencies, gradients, etc.
  • Exploring Color Theory and I'll dive into the details of how you can get the most out of your compositions using color theory.
  • Finally we will paint a botanical illustration following the tricks and techniques that I usually use to create my illustrations and compositions.
No experience necessary. In any case I will adapt the practice to each one depending on how I see you.

Face-to-face workshops

Taller 4: Acuarela botánica en Valdebebas

38€ / INQUIRY FOR UPCOMING DATES / 10:30 - 13:00h
  • Theory of perception, philosophy of the image, etc.
  • Different techniques for working with watercolors: transparencies, gradients, etc.
  • Exploring Color Theory and I'll dive into the details of how you can get the most out of your compositions using color theory.
  • Finally we will paint a botanical illustration following the tricks and techniques that I usually use to create my illustrations and compositions.
No experience necessary. In any case I will adapt the practice to each one depending on how I see you.

If you hear a voice inside you telling you 'you don't know how to paint', paint, and that voice will be silenced. That's what Van Gogh used to say, to which from here, from Cristina Maser, we allow ourselves to add: 'paint watercolors'. We are waiting for you, reserve your place

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cursos de acuarelas en Madrid

Curso de acuarelas online

cursos de acuarelas en Madrid